Wat is PVLO?
Standaardwerken lichamelijke opvoeding en sport
Single beaded longe handle touw
Ropeskipping DVD
Ropeskipping in school en club
Double dutch (per set)
Single touw Long handle
Single touw Long handle Glow in the dark
Single bare speed rope
Single speed rope
Losse handvaten (per set)
Double dutch Vlastouwen (per set)
Double dutch Long handle beaded Glow in the dark
Double dutch beaded long handle (per set)
Single touw Long handle beaded Glow in the dark
Double dutch beaded (per set)
Single beaded touw
Ropeskipping touw XXl (11m)
Ropeskipping touw 2m90
Ropeskipping touw 2m60
Ropeskipping touw 2m40